Personal Energetics

Anyone who has been around paganism for more than 24 hours has heard of energetics – particularly – grounding and centering. If you’re like me, you may only think that these practices are relevant for people who cast spells and circles. One raises energy to put toward some magical goal, then releases the excess energy by grounding. Right? (And who are these people that have excess energy, anyway?)

Today I was reading about grounding and centering as a tool for self-care. Turns out managing energy can be useful not just for the purpose of spellcraft or ritual, but for everyday life! One might learn techniques to steady their own energy when they’re feeling frazzled, “unstick” their energy when they’re overwhelmed, and raise energy when they’re feeling drained. How useful is that?

(If you’re reading this and thinking, “duh, Fier, you ding-dong, this is pretty obvious stuff”, I offer the explanation that I have never been very good at energetics, so I have pushed it aside as a practice rather than considering its varying applications.)

I am now interested in studying and practicing energetics as a tool for self care. I am hoping that some of you would like to join me, and we can have an energetic study group. If this sounds of interest to you, first go visit this page, then, return and answer the following questions:
1. Do you currently or have you in the past practiced energetic self-care?
2. If so, in what context? Did you follow any particular tradition or use any formal structure? What were your goals then and did you meet them? Why did you stop (if applicable)?
3. What are your goals this time?

Once everyone has posted their goals (I’ll give you until Sunday) we’ll start talking about specifics of how to reach them.